Probably my favourite genre. ROME was absolutely amazing with the sets, the plots, the amazing actors (especially Polly Walker, Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson). THE TUDORS the first season was definitely groundbreaking, bringing the most amazing acting (Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Henry Cavill), costumes, intrigues, drama ... BAND OF BROTHERS was the most touching show on WW2 bringing some of the best actors together - Damian Lewis, Ron Livingston, Michael Fassbender, Tom Hardy...BEST WRITTEN SHOWS
There are always some shows with amazing plots like DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES (super intelligent twists, brilliant acting, witty humour), clever dialogues like THE UNITED STATES OF TARA, beautifully written lines like in GILMORE GIRLS or mind-blowing and ultrashocking stories like in NIP/TUCK. Some people have prejudices and won't watch these shows, but they all bring the most profoundly written scripts TV has even seen raising television programmes on some much higher level.SCIENCE FICTION SHOWS
I grew up with STAR TREK, watching mostly NEW GENERATION, but I also loved VOYAGER for it's scientific vibe and ENTERPRISE. As a teenager I also loved SLIDERS with Jerry O'Connel and Karie Wuhrer who traveled through parallel dimensions. And off course there's also the prematurely deceased FIREFLY.FANTASY, MYTH AND LEGENDS
not many of those on TV unfortunately, but I do love BBC's MERLIN with amazing Colin Morgan, I also enjoyed SPARTACUS BLOOD AND SAND, and I will forever miss LEGEND OF THE SEEKER and my favourite Mord Sith Cara. Can't wait for Starz' CAMELOT and HBO's GAME OF THRONES next year!COMEDY SHOWS
I've mentioned before that I was pretty much raised by family sitcoms as a kid, developing my ethical principles and social values while watching the amazing family comedies such as HOME IMPROVEMENT, THE NANNY, BOY MEETS WORLD, COSBY SHOW, GOLDEN GIRLS and later on I had unforgettable fun watching FRIENDS (Chandler, Phoebe and Monica being my favourite), SEX AND THE CITY, WILL AND GRACE (especially Karen and her Rosario), GROUNDED FOR LIFE, WAR AT HOME...
One thing's for sure, over in Britain they know how to make memorable TV programmes. I can't describe how happy I am for growing up with AS TIME GOES BY (the legendary sitcom with Judi Dench). I've never laughed so much as I laughed watching WW2 comedy ALLO ALLO with the brilliant gallery of characters and cult lines, and Rowan Atkinson's hilarious acting in BLACKADDER. Many times I thought I'd die from laughter watching Patsy and Edwina in ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. I'm sad that the world doesn't make such shows any more. 
When it comes to British TV I also loved ITV's brilliantly written show THE PALACE about a fictional royal court with an amazing chemistry between young king Richard and his PR Abigale. Then there's also CRANFORD mini series which brings the best acting TV has even seen, and BBC's supercharming BEING HUMAN in which a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost live together as roommates.